Which of These Interesting Facts About Cars Surprises You?

Which of These Interesting Facts About Cars Surprises You?Most of us rely heavily on our cars to get us where we need to go every day. We frequently fail to see how incredible our cars are. Have you stopped to think about all the bizarre things your car has done for you? Here are some interesting general car facts for car nerds. Remember that when you need instant cash, Instant Cash Offer is here to help. Just call (800) 985-0051 or email instantcashofferca@gmail.com to get started.

Fast, fun facts about cars

  • As of 2021, there were more than 1 billion automobiles on the road worldwide. By 2040, this number is anticipated to double or approach 2 billion, according to analysts.
  • You could get to the moon in less than six months if you drove at an average speed of 60 MPH.
  • Every year, 70 million cars are made.
  • The typical US driver sits in traffic for 42 hours a year. That almost equals two days.
  • Today, only 18% of American drivers are capable of using a manual transmission.
  • Did you know that an average car can be recycled to the tune of 80%? 12 million vehicles are recycled annually in the United States alone. Due to this significant number, recycling of automobiles ranks as the 16th largest industry in the United States.
  • With vehicles sitting in traffic for 82 hours a year, Washington, D.C. has the worst traffic in the country.
  • Unfortunately, an automobile spends roughly 95 percent of its lifetime parked.
  • Just in the United States, passenger automobiles use 359 million gallons of gas every day.
  • Don’t use your phone while driving; the likelihood of an accident increases by 20 times!

The funnest fact of all: you could sell your car fast.

Of course, the funnest of all the fun car facts is this simple fact: Instant Cash Offer can get you cash for your car today. Whether it’s older, newer, in bad shape, or great shape, whether you owe money or it is paid off, there’s a great chance we can provide you with an instant offer.

How does it work? Check out our FAQ section to get answers to questions or simply reach out now to get an instant quote. You can fill out our online form, call Instant Cash Offer at (800) 985-0051, or email us at instantcashofferca@gmail.com.

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